Combined Program in Toulouse: Your tailor-made French Course

The Combined programme is the best option if you feel you have to focus on some specific needs.  This option allows you to benefit from private sessions in addition to the Standard French Course. It is slightly different from the Intensive or Super Intensive since you will benefit from 6 private lessons per week. 

Combined Programme in Toulouse : Personalise your French Course

The mix of group French lessons and private lessons allows you to get additional help from a teacher and focus on personal needs related to Grammar; Pronounciation or Vocabulary. 


More Information

What's the course content like?

General French courses are organised on the same basis as the standard programme. Private lessons are available in packs of 6 lessons of 45 minutes per week. They take place online or face-to-face at our schools.

What is in a typical week's programme?

General French lessons take place in the morning or afternoon. One-to-one French lessons can be organised any day of the week, depending on schedules and availability.

What level should I have in order to enroll in the Combine Program?

The combi programme is suitable for all levels, from beginners (A1) to the most advanced students (C2).

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