Take advantage of a stay in France to discover the culture and improve your French as part of a school trip.
Take advantage of the experience of our French as a foreign language schools when organising language school trips. Let your students enjoy cultural discovery and rapid linguistic progress thanks to our French courses combined with cultural and sporting activities. KLF establishments welcome school groups all year round.
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A 6 day, 5 night school stay includes 15 hours of French lessons spread over the mornings, an outdoor lunch and leisure activities organised every afternoon. All offers are adaptable and tailored to your needs.
Full-board accommodation is also provided, with several options available
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Take advantage of a stay in France to discover the culture and improve your French as part of a school trip.
Take advantage of the experience of our French as a foreign language schools when organising language school trips. Let your students enjoy cultural discovery and rapid linguistic progress thanks to our French courses combined with cultural and sporting activities. KLF establishments welcome school groups all year round.
A 6 day, 5 night school stay includes 15 hours of French lessons spread over the mornings, an outdoor lunch and leisure activities organised every afternoon. All offers are adaptable and tailored to your needs.
Full-board accommodation is also provided, with several options available