French courses in France

Our courses are suitable for all levels, from complete beginners to advanced levels. Our classes are formed on the basis of a placement test which must be carried out before arrival. You will follow your French lessons in a group that corresponds to our level and your objectives. Our qualified and experienced teachers support you in your progress, help you expand your lexicon and improve your language level.

French Course in france for adults

Short Stay French Courses

French intensive course

Intensive Program

In addition to the standard program, the intensive formula allows you to follow thematic workshops to reinforce your learning.

Super intensive French course

Super intensive Program

The super-intensive program, accessible from level A2, promises rapid progress. 40 lessons per week to achieve your goals.

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Standard Program

From discovering French to mastering the language! Learn French in immersion while balancing class time and leisure time, this is what our Standard general French course program offers you.

Combine spanish program

Combine Program

The Combine program allows you to combine the Standard formula with private lessons. The ideal formula to take advantage of the group dynamic and focus on your specific needs during individual lessons.

Long Stay French Courses - Diploma

12 Week french course

12-week certification program

The 12-week certificate program allows you to follow a structured French course for 3 months. A program with fixed dates and a TCF or TEF certification at the end of the course

6 month french program

24/36 weeks certification program

KLF offers you a real diploma course. A gap year in France to validate a language level by DELF or a DALF. Take advantage of a unique program in France offered in multi-destination.

French Exam Preparations


DELF/DALF diploma

Obtain certification of your level of French as a foreign language by taking the official DELF or DALF exam.



The TCF was designed by the French Ministry of National Education to officially certify your level of French


Other Certifications

We also offer the TEP,DEP,CLOE,FLE certification from the language study centers of the Chamber of Commerce.